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Igor's Adult Webmaster Photo Blog: Vcity Photo

Posted for Unregistered Guests, VCitizens, VResidents by Igor ( )

Igor: Heya all,

we finished the beta test for the new members chat and it worked out very well. The new chat is now an official feature for a all VResidents.

Please note:

* The "who is available list" will now lists only people that you follow and who are online or who left their VCity page open in some browser tab. It no longer shows ALL VResidents online - thats far too many. Again: It only shows people YOU FOLLOW. Example: If you like to chat with me in private, you have to follow me first!!!

* Some ladies told us, that they have more than 50 private chat requests and they are not able to handle that load. There is a NEW CHATROOM (marked with the second arrow). Please try that room instead of going private all the time!! If you tag "leave chat open" you can even leave the page and come back after hours and the system will "buffer" all the conversation during your absence.

* Same with private chats: Once you started a chat, the system will buffer any conversation during your absence and show it to you later.

* Yes, the new chat works on most iphone and androids and mobiles. Some people have reported problems and we are trying to re-produce and fix their problems. More than 90% of the mobile users are having no problem.

* Private One on One camera chat has issues on some mobiles, e.g. iphone 4S. Working on that as well.

Enjoy...and please let me know about any other problems!!!


VCity Vcity

Aug. 15, 2013    175,134    3
Posted for Unregistered Guests, VCitizens, VResidents by Igor ( )



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"The guy who takes the blame for every fukkin issue and every single fukkin problem on VoyeurClouds and VCity. The guy who calculates the popularity stars of more than 100,000 users (for everyone of them) while taking his shower in the morning and enters them into the system while having breakfast - every day."


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